Regression functions

There is a complete list of the functions currently available for non-linear regression.

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Poly2: Second-order polynomial.

PolyAB: Second-order polynomial with y-intercept = zero.

Linear: Simple linear function.

Poly3: Third-order polynomial.

Log: Logarithmic equation with baseline A.

Power: Power function with Y intercept = zero.

Exp: Exponential function with Y intercept = B.

Expb: Exponential function with Y intercept = Ao + B.

DoubleExp: Sum of two Exponentials function with Y intercept = A1 + A2.

Michaelis: Used in enzyme kinetics to fit data that follows the Michaelis-Menton hyperbolic function. This function can be used for any hyperbolic function. The y-intercept is zero.

Hill: Used in enzyme kinetics to fit data that follows the Hill equation of cooperativity.The y-intercept is zero.

1stOrdPrd: Kinetics equation for a first-order reaction in which a product is observed. Af is the final value, Ai is the initial value.

1stOrdDecay: Kinetics equation for a first-order reaction in which a reactant disappears. Standard equation for radioactive decay. Ao is the initial amount at t = zero.

2stOrdPrd: Kinetics equation for a second-order reaction in which a product is observed. Ao is the initial amount at t = zero.

2ndOrdDecay: Kinetics equation for a second-order reaction in which a reactant disappears. Ao is the initial amount at t = zero.

Gaussian: The Gaussian or normal distribution function, is a continuous proability distribution. Sometimes known as a Bell curve. The a parameter is the height of the curve, b is the position of the center of the peak and c controls the width of the "bell". The full width at half maximum (FWHM) is 2.35482 * c.

Logistics:A logistic function is a common sigmoid function, often used to model the growth of some population P. The initial stage of growth is approximately exponential; then, as saturation begins, the growth slows, and at maturity, growth stops.

Surge:A surge function is a common function that has a steep rise from zero, passes through a maximum and then undergoes a decay. The maximum occurs at x=1/b.


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